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What is Homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine that provides deep healing and works on your body, mind and emotions. In Homeopathy, disease or symptoms are regarded as the body's warning signs, designed to gain our attention. The homeopathic treatment addresses the root cause of the disease or symptoms by activating the body’s own powers of self-regulation and provides the opportunity for significant healing. Homeopathic medicines are natural, non-toxic, do not create side-effects, and do not interfere with but rather complement your current medical treatment. In homeopathy every individual is regarded as unique and is given the remedy for their particular physical and emotional condition. " Homeopathy cures a larger percentage of cases than any other method of treatment and is beyond all doubt safer, more economical, and the most complete medical science" Mahatma Gandhiwww.nationalcenterforhomeopathy.org
Benefits of Homeopathy
Promotes your body's healing mechanism
Supports and improves your immune system
Complements your current medical treatment
Can eliminate or reduce drug dependency
Is 100% natural and non-toxic with no side effects
Works on all levels (mind, emotions, and physical body)
Is non-invasive and non-suppressive
Can help with acute and chronic disease
Is individualized to your particular physical and emotional condition